QMI Paint Sealant
Use this unique paint sealant to protect your vehicle’s paint for up to one year. Why should you use it? QMI is the only company that offers paint insurance without any physical damage to your vehicle. With QMI, you can be assured of the best Teflon coating and car shining in India.

Benefits of Using QMI Paint Sealant
  It works as a sunshield, protecting the paint from fading and wearing out
  It maintains gloss for more than one year
  After washing, you will not see watermarks on your vehicle
  Even if you don’t clean your car, the sealant with get rid of 70 to 80 percent dust while you drive
  Protects the vehicle’s paint against minor scratches
  Does away with the need to polish your vehicle
  Helps to increase the resale value of your vehicle
  The anti scratch coating and anti fade formula of the sealant offers unique paint finishPTFE
QMI Paint Sealant
QMI Paint Sealant contains PTFE. It can seal professionally painted surfaces and offer a hard mirror-like finish, protecting the surface from ultraviolet rays, dirt and oxidation. PTFE does not react with other chemicals and hence can provide protection from corrosive acids, insects and salts. It does not turn yellow or grey when exposed to sunlight. This unique formula to protect the paint of your vehicle has more than 5,000 particles of PTFE per square inch.
  Offers protection from acid and other paints
  Using it will ensure that dirt and grime wash off easily
  Protects against rust, oxidation and bird droppings
  Acts as a sunshield and protect the vehicle’s paint from harmful UV rays
  Keeps the vehicle’s paint looking glossy for up to 1 year after use
  Protects against minor scratches with the good quality Teflon coating
  No need for car polish
  Increases the vehicle’s resale valuePTFE
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